Chumming For Trout. What You Need To Know To Catch More Trout.

Let’s face it, not every day of fishing is exciting. But, if you’re looking to create some excitement, chumming is a good way to do that. Chumming is an excellent way of getting a feeding frenzy going so that you’re able to catch as many fish as possible. It can be a good way to … Read more

Are Trout Carnivorous? What Do Trout Even Eat? What You Need To Know.

Trout may be one of the most popular game fish in the United States, commonly being called one of the top five sport fishes in North America as a whole. It’s even been called the most important game fish west of the Rocky Mountains. Rainbow trout thrive in hatcheries, and as such have been able … Read more

What Do Trout Eat? What You Need To Know About What These Delicious Fish Eat!

Whether you are fish stocking or fishing for trout, it is essential to know what they eat. A lot is known about fish feeding patterns and habits, which helps a lot if you are looking to raise them in your home pond. Most eat anything from worms and minnows to sea and land insects, other … Read more

Every Thing You Need To Know About Trout in the Wild; Written By A Biologist

Ever wondered what advice a biologist would give you about how to find trout in the wild? This article covers that exact topic. About Trout Trout are freshwater fish that belong to the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo, and Salvelinus, which are all members of the Salmoninae subfamily of the family Salmonidae. Some non-salmonid fish, such as … Read more