This article will provide you with all of the information you need to accurately identify a perch in the wild!
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What is a Perch?
A perch is a deep-bodied fresh water fish of the genus perca and family Percidae. The name “perch” was derived from the large order of Perciformes which simply means perch-like-shape in Greek and Latin. Perch fish are popular gamefish as well as panfish (edible fish).
It is important to note that there are some species of fish commonly referred to as “perch” but are not necessarily perch (as per the definition found above), for example, the Climbing Perch. Perch refers solely to fish species that belong to the family Percidae. How to identify a perch fish.
Generally, the identification of different fish species is mainly done by observing their external characteristics which are otherwise known as their morphological features. This includes body size and shape, length, colors, scale size, fin position, and size as well as the type of fin rays.

A perch has two large and erect dorsal fins. The first and larger fin is strong and sharp while the second fin is soft. These fins can either be separated or joined. It has pelvic thoracic fins which are sharp and spiny. The scales of a perch fish are usually rough and colored for protection and camouflage. A cloacal opening can be observed behind the anal fin.
What do Perch eat?
Perch are carnivorous when fully mature. When young, they feed on zooplankton and then switch to larger prey as they mature. Perch usually spawn during spring and in shallow waters. This is because they lay their eggs in sand, gravel, or vegetation. They hide in deep waters during winter because there tends to be ice on the top of their habitat. Since they are relatively slow swimmers they move in schools. This allows them to protect their young ones. They are very aggressive and when captured they should be handled with care.
Types of Perch.
There are three major species of perch fish which fall under the genus Perca. These three species are commonly referred to as “true” perch fish. They include the: yellow perch, European Perch and the Balkhash perch. Other types of perch from the family Percidae are Zander, Walleye, Chinese Perch, Barramundi and the Nile perch.
1. Yellow Perch

The yellow perch is also known as the American perch. Their scientific name is Perca flavescens. They are mainly found in parts of North America, Canada, and some parts of Euro-Asia It is very common in Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Erie. The yellow perch as the name suggests golden yellow in color with red pelvic and anal fins the older it gets the more yellow it becomes the size of the yellow page varies between different bodies of water. A full-grown yellow perch adult is usually 12 to 30 cm in length and weighs about 150 grams on average. They have an average lifespan of 8 to 12 years.
2. European Perch.

The European perch is also commonly known as the common perch. The scientific name is Perca fluviatilis. It is found in most parts of Europe up to the northernmost part of Scandinavia. The European perch has also been introduced to Australia China Cyprus New Zealand Spain and South Africa. The two dorsal fins of the European perch are clearly separated from one another. The body of the European perch is greenish-yellow with a pelvic and anal fin being red. It is also characterized by gold bars which are usually y-shaped. The European perch feeds daily usually at sunrise or sunset. It usually grows to about 6 to 15 inches.
3. Balkhash Perch.

The Balkhash perch (Perca schrenkii) is also commonly known as the pike perch. It is mostly found in Lake Balkhash which is in Kazakhstan. The pike perch is also found in parts of Uzbekistan. It is longer and more compact that both the Yellow and European perch. The first dorsal fin is in a lower position due to its longer body structure. An adult Balkhash perch is usually about 50 cm long and weighs about 1.5 kgs.
4. Zander

Zander (Sanda Licioperca) is a member of the family Percidae and therefore considered a perch. It is also commonly referred to as pike perch in some areas of Europe. They are found in Eastern and Central Europe, Sweden, Finland, and native areas of Western Asia. The Zander has a green and brown hue with dark and vertical markings. They have two long and sharp vampire-looking teeth. Their eyes are opaque which enables them to see clearly in murky waters. A full-grown Zander is about 50 to 65 cm in length and weighs about 3kg. Although they are freshwater fish, they can sometimes be found in salty waters with low salinity levels.
5. Walleye.

The Walleye (Sander Vitreus) is a fresh water fish off the perch family. It is mostly known as the yellow pickerel but studies have shown that it is not a “true” pike as it belongs to the family Percidae, and therefore a perch. It is mainly found in Northern America and Canada. The Walleye has an elongated thin body, which is mostly golden yellow in color while the dorsal fin is olive and the belly white. It has a large mouth with very sharp teeth. A full-grown walleye is about 80 cm in length and weighs about 9kg.
6. Chinese Perch.

The Chinese Perch (Sinipercca Chuatsi) is a fresh water fish. It is also known as the Mandarin fish. It is mainly found in China and the Arur River basin. It has also been sited in parts of Vietnam. It has a compact body characterized by a protruding lower jaw with the upper jaw extending behind the eyes. The mouth cavity along both jaws is densely concentrated with saw-like teeth. It has a brown and yellow hue with shiny and irregular-colored spots. The Mandarin fish grow to about 20 cm and weigh about 160 to 250 g.
7. Barramundi

The barramundi (Lates Calcarifer) is a salt and freshwater fish belonging to the family Latidae. It is also commonly known as the giant sea perch or the Asian sea bass. It is found in the coastal areas of Australia, Southeast, and Eastern Asia, and parts of India. It has a long and compressed body. It has a large mouth with an upper jaw that extends to behind the eye. It has a concave dorsal profile which becomes convex just in front of the dorsal fin. It is either olive-brown silver sides and belly or green-blue with the silver down below. Barramundis have an average length of about 60 to 120 cm and weigh about 60 kg.
8. Nile Perch

The Nile perch (Lates Niloticus) is a freshwater fish of the family Latidae. It is native to the large rivers of East Africa Central Africa; primarily Ghana in West Africa. The body of a Nile perch is deep and compressed characterized by small and rough scales. It has small villiform teeth. The dorsal fin is almost completely divided into two parts by a deep notch. Nile perch are silver in color with a blue hue. They have notably black eyes with a yellow outer ring. Their caudal fin is rounded. an adult Nile perch is about 85 to 100 cm in length but can grow up to 200 cm. They weigh about 200 to 230 kg when fully developed.
If you got this far, now you know about the 8 types of perch found in the Percidae family. In the future when you are out enjoying nature (or currently if you looked this up while enjoying the outdoors), you should be able to quickly and easily identify a perch. Next time you see a perch in its natural habitat, you’ll be able to identify it.
- Craig, J.F. 1987. The Biology of Perch and Related Fish. London: Croom Helm. ISBN 0709934629.
- Creque, S. 2000. Perca flavescens Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved December 06, 2008.
- Ellis, J. 1993. The Sunfishes: A Fly Fishing Journey of Discovery. Bennington, VT: Abenaki Publishers. ISBN 0936644176.
- Nelson, J.S. 2006. Fishes of the World, 4th edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0471250317