About Freshwaterfishin.com

Growing up, & being from Saskatchewan, I spent a whole lot of time out at the lake. I went on canoe trips, went water skiing, played golf, swam a whole lot… but one thing I didn’t do was learn how to fish.

My Dad was a great Dad, but he didn’t do much fishing.

My Grandfather was a great fisherman, but my dad never learn’t the art of catching fish, and so I never learnt how to fish.

So that’s why I started this blog, I started this blog so i could learn how to fish!

Who am I?

My name is Raph & I am from Saskatchewan. I am 30 years old and have a passion for healthy food.

Growing up as a child, I was the fat kid.

Learning about growing vegetables, fishing and and how to raise animals has been an obsession of mine for 12 years.

My big dream is to go on a fishing trip, tag out on: Perch, Walleye, and Trout. I want to have as much fish in my freezer as legally allowed.


I am of Eastern European descent, and after doing a whole lot of research, I have discovered that ancestrally, fish, especially the freshwater variety, was a large part of my ancestors diet.

I am convinced that neurodegenerative diseases have to do with an imbalance in omega 3-6-9 and a lack of fat in the modern diet.

That’s what led me to create this site.